Friday, 25 March 2011


      Sophia Vassilakidis      832-244-7000                                                       
Spring 2010 – Spring 2011:  Vancouver Institute of Media Arts (VanArts) :
·          2D Character Animation Diploma
Spring 1998 – Spring 2001: University of Texas at Austin
·          B.S. in Radio-TV-Film with Honors - University of Texas at Austin
·          Inducted into the UT Junior Fellows Program, 2000
·          Radio-TV-Film coursework included short Fish Out of Water,
           screened at Rotterdam International Film Festival, 2001
Fall 1997 - Fall 1998: Reed College, Portland, Oregon
Fall 1993 – Spring 1997: Houstons High School for the Performing & Visual Arts, Visual major
·          National Merit Scholar Semi-Finalist

Relevant Experience
As an independent film co-producer, Hardball: All Balls Dont Bounce,  2006 - 2011
·          Helped raise $70,000 from private investors to fund independent feature film
·          Scouted and negotiated the use of locations, including high-security shipping ports, Texas     
           monuments, and high-customer restaurants
·          Issued casting calls and auditions for over 90 actors; maintained cast, crew, and vendor contacts and spearheaded production email blasts
·          scheduled and coordinated on-location shoots involving multiple actors and crew,  and oversaw 
           wardrobe, props, and equipment
·          Planned scene budgets and tracked production finances
·          Created promotional materials and maintained film website
·          Substitute Boom,  2nd camera, assistant editor
·          Created & Designed DVD menus, packaging, and content

·          2009 DarHart Screenplay Awards, 1st Place feature winner for Rose Marie's Egg
·          Lucky Strike, DV short, 2003. Vassily Fedyaev Digital Filmmaking Workshop.
                 Director, 2nd camera operator, assistant editor
·          F***, 16mm short, 2000. UT Austin Film Program, producer & script editing
·          Fish Out of Water, 16mm short, 2000. UT Austin, producer & script editor
·          Tension, 16mm short, 1999. UT Austin. Scripting, storyboards, editing
·          Five Seconds, DV short documentary, 1999. UT Austin. Camera, boom, editing, scripting
·          A Doll's House, in studio 3-camera short, 1999. UT Austin. Director  

Production Assistant
·          RWJF Public Health “Tobacco Policy Change”,  2009. DeSantis Breindel
·          Foreman Family, Reality Series, 2006. Zoe & Sammy Productions, Inc.
·          The Whisperers, HD feature, 2005. Excalibur Pictures, Producer Ashok Rao
·          Vassily Fedyaev Digital Fimmaking Studio, 2005. assistant videographer
·          Einstein Scribbles, DV short, 2004. Marjo Productions
·          Family Portrait, 35mm feature, 2004. Chadda Productions
·          Mr. Hell, 35mm feature, 2004. Jack Rhodes Productions
·          After Twilight, 35mm short, 2004. Roadster Productions
·          Manhood is Dead, DV feature, 2002. Dizzystick Films 

Interim Post Production Manager, Locke Bryan Productions, 2005
·          assigned projects to editors and scheduled editing sessions with clients
·          maintained a comfortable work environment for visiting clients and guest editors
·          prepared client request reports for the billing department and ensured on-time project  delivery
·          maintained editing equipment stock levels and dubbed client requests
·          assisted with basic editing on AVID equipment

Local News Volunteer Reporter, KPFT Pacifica Radio 90.1 FM, March 2004 – 06
·          Interviewed story subjects, scripted story copy, edited and recorded story and quotes
·          Converted and edited press news stories for on-air format and contacted related local officials for pertinent quotes on same day basis

Other Work Experience
Continental Airlines – Ticketing & Gate Agent, 2007 - present
·          assist a high volume of customers from all social backgrounds, including non-English speakers,    disabled and special needs, and unescorted minors
·          maintain the ability to think on one's feet and coordinate with other operational  divisions in a 
           time sensitive, high security environment

Talent Agent, Pam Francis Photography/ Real People Models, 2006-2007
·          Scouted individuals for Real People Models Agency
·          collected and maintained talent and client contact information and permission waivers
·          edited images and information for Real People Models online database
·          received client requests, scripted casting calls, and contacted applicable models 

Assistant Manager, Planet Anime 2002 – 2005
·          Provided customer service, product inventory and ordering, arranged store layout, 
           created customer promotions and incentives
·          Editor to store's online product review site - creator of store web comic
·          Related skills: able to read Japanese Hiragana/Katakana

Other Knowledge and Skills:
         Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro, Vegas Sound Editor
         Greek: daily conversational level, able to read and write 

Jerry Ochoa, Producer
Street Legal Productions

Wayne Gilbert,  Head of Animation

Mark Pudleiner, Animation Instructor